Creating your own federated microblog
In this tutorial, we will build a small microblog that implements the ActivityPub protocol, similar to Mastodon or Misskey, using Fedify, an ActivityPub server framework. This tutorial will focus more on how to use Fedify rather than understanding its underlying operating principles.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please feel free to join our Matrix chat space or Discord server or GitHub Discussions.
Target audience
This tutorial is aimed at those who want to learn Fedify and create ActivityPub server software.
We assume that you have experience in creating web applications using HTML and HTTP, and that you understand command-line interfaces, SQL, JSON, and basic JavaScript. However, you don't need to know TypeScript, JSX, ActivityPub, or Fedify—we'll teach you what you need to know about these as we go along.
You don't need experience in creating ActivityPub software, but we do assume that you've used at least one ActivityPub software like Mastodon or Misskey. This is so you have an idea of what we're trying to build.
In this tutorial, we'll use Fedify to create a single-user microblog that can communicate with other federated software and services via ActivityPub. This software will include the following features:
- Only one account can be created.
- Other accounts in the fediverse can follow the user.
- Followers can unfollow the user.
- The user can view their list of followers.
- The user can create posts.
- The user's posts are visible to followers in the fediverse.
- The user can follow other accounts in the fediverse.
- The user can view a list of accounts they are following.
- The user can view a chronological list of posts from accounts they follow.
To simplify the tutorial, we'll impose the following feature constraints:
- Account profiles (bio, photos, etc.) cannot be set.
- Once created, an account cannot be deleted.
- Once posted, a post cannot be edited or deleted.
- Once followed, another account cannot be unfollowed.
- There are no likes, shares, or comments.
- There is no search functionality.
- There are no security features such as authentication or permission checks.
Of course, after completing the tutorial, you're welcome to add these features—it would be good practice!
The complete source code is available in the GitHub repository, with commits separated according to each implementation step for your reference.
Setting up the development environment
Installing Node.js
Fedify supports three JavaScript runtimes: Deno, Bun, and Node.js. Among these, Node.js is the most widely used, so we'll use Node.js as the basis for this tutorial.
A JavaScript runtime is a platform that executes JavaScript code. Web browsers are one type of JavaScript runtime, and for command-line or server use, Node.js is widely used. Recently, cloud edge functions like Cloudflare Workers have also gained popularity as JavaScript runtimes.
To use Fedify, you need Node.js version 20.0.0 or higher. There are various installation methods—choose the one that suits you best.
Once Node.js is installed, you'll have access to the node
and npm
node --version
npm --version
Installing the fedify
To set up a Fedify project, you need to install the fedify
command on your system. There are several installation methods, but using the npm
command is the simplest:
npm install -g @fedify/cli
After installation, check if you can use the fedify
command. You can check the version of the fedify
command with this command:
fedify --version
Make sure the version number is 1.0.0 or higher. If it's an older version, you won't be able to properly follow this tutorial.
fedify init
to initialize the project
To start a new Fedify project, let's decide on a directory path to work in. In this tutorial, we'll name it microblog. Run the fedify init
command followed by the directory path (it's okay if the directory doesn't exist yet):
fedify init microblog
When you run the fedify init
command, you'll see a series of prompts. Select Node.js, npm, Hono, In-memory, and In-process in order:
___ _____ _ _ __
/'_') | ___|__ __| (_)/ _|_ _
.-^^^-/ / | |_ / _ \/ _` | | |_| | | |
__/ / | _| __/ (_| | | _| |_| |
<__.|_|-|_| |_| \___|\__,_|_|_| \__, |
? Choose the JavaScript runtime to use
❯ Node.js
? Choose the package manager to use
❯ npm
? Choose the web framework to integrate Fedify with
❯ Hono
? Choose the key-value store to use for caching
❯ In-memory
Deno KV
? Choose the message queue to use for background jobs
❯ In-process
AMQP (e.g., RabbitMQ)
Deno KV
Fedify is not a full-stack framework, but rather a framework specialized for implementing ActivityPub servers. Therefore, it's designed to be used alongside other web frameworks. In this tutorial, we'll adopt Hono as our web framework to use with Fedify.
After a moment, you'll see files created in your working directory with the following structure:
- .vscode/ — Visual Studio Code related settings
- extensions.json — Recommended extensions for Visual Studio Code
- settings.json — Visual Studio Code settings
- node_modules/ — Directory where dependent packages are installed (contents omitted)
- src/ — Source code
- app.tsx — Server unrelated to ActivityPub
- federation.ts — ActivityPub server
- index.ts — Entry point
- logging.ts — Logging configuration
- biome.json — Formatter and linter settings
- package.json — Package metadata
- tsconfig.json — TypeScript settings
As you might guess, we're using TypeScript instead of JavaScript, which is why we have .ts and .tsx files instead of .js files.
The generated source code is a working demo. Let's first check if it runs properly:
npm run dev
This command will keep the server running until you press Ctrl+C:
Server started at
With the server running, open a new terminal tab and run the following command:
fedify lookup http://localhost:8000/users/john
This command queries an actor (actor) on the ActivityPub server we've set up locally. In ActivityPub, an actor can be thought of as an account that's accessible across various ActivityPub servers.
If you see output like this, it's working correctly:
✔ Looking up the object...
Person {
id: URL "http://localhost:8000/users/john",
name: "john",
preferredUsername: "john"
This result tells us that there's an actor object located at the /users/john path, it's of type Person
, its ID is http://localhost:8000/users/john, its name is john, and its username is also john.
fedify lookup
is a command to query ActivityPub objects. This is equivalent to searching with the corresponding URI on Mastodon. (Of course, since your server is only accessible locally at the moment, searching on Mastodon won't yield any results yet.)
If you prefer curl
over the fedify lookup
command, you can also query the actor with this command (note that we're sending the Accept
header with the -H
curl -H"Accept: application/activity+json" http://localhost:8000/users/john
However, if you query like this, the result will be in JSON format, which is difficult to read with the naked eye. If you also have the jq
command installed on your system, you can use curl
and jq
curl -H"Accept: application/activity+json" http://localhost:8000/users/john | jq .
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code might not be your favorite editor. However, we recommend using Visual Studio Code while following this tutorial. This is because we need to use TypeScript, and Visual Studio Code is currently the most convenient and excellent TypeScript IDE. Also, the generated project setup already includes Visual Studio Code settings, so you don't have to wrestle with formatters or linters.
Don't confuse this with Visual Studio. Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio only share a brand name; they are completely different software.
After installing Visual Studio Code, open the working directory by selecting File → Open Folder… from the menu.
If you see a popup in the bottom right asking Do you want to install the recommended 'Biome' extension from biomejs for this repository?
, click the Install button to install the extension. Installing this extension will automatically format your TypeScript code, so you don't have to wrestle with code styles like indentation or spacing when writing TypeScript code.
If you're a loyal Emacs or Vim user, we won't discourage you from using your favorite editor. However, we recommend setting up TypeScript LSP. The difference in productivity depending on whether TypeScript LSP is set up or not is significant.
Before we start modifying code, let's briefly go over TypeScript. If you're already familiar with TypeScript, you can skip this section.
TypeScript adds static type checking to JavaScript. The TypeScript syntax is almost the same as JavaScript, but the main difference is that you can specify types for variables and functions. Types are specified by adding a colon (:
) after the variable or parameter.
For example, the following code indicates that the foo
variable is a string
let foo: string;
If you try to assign a value of a different type to a variable declared like this, Visual Studio Code will show a red underline before you even run it and display a type error:
foo = 123;
When coding, don't ignore red underlines. If you ignore them and run the program, it's likely that an error will actually occur at that part.
The most common type of error you'll encounter when coding in TypeScript is the null
possibility error. For example, in the following code, the bar
variable can be either a string
or null
(string | null
const bar: string | null = someFunction();
What happens if you try to get the first character of this variable's content like this?
const firstChar = bar.charAt(0);
You'll get a type error like above. It's saying that bar
might sometimes be null
, and in that case, calling null.charAt(0)
would cause an error, so you need to fix the code. In such cases, you need to add handling for the null
case like this:
const firstChar = bar === null ? "" : bar.charAt(0);
In this way, TypeScript helps prevent bugs by making you think of cases you might not have considered when coding.
Another incidental advantage of TypeScript is that it enables auto-completion. For example, if you type foo.
, a list of methods available for string objects will appear, allowing you to choose from them. This allows for faster coding without having to check documentation each time.
We hope you'll feel the charm of TypeScript as you follow this tutorial. Above all, Fedify provides the best experience when used with TypeScript.
If you want to learn TypeScript properly and thoroughly, we recommend reading The TypeScript Handbook. It takes about 30 minutes to read it all.
JSX is a syntax extension of JavaScript that allows you to insert XML or HTML into JavaScript code. It can also be used in TypeScript, in which case it's sometimes called TSX. In this tutorial, we'll write all HTML within JavaScript code using JSX syntax. Those who are already familiar with JSX can skip this section.
For example, the following code assigns an HTML tree with a <div>
element at the top to the html
const html = <div>
<p id="greet">Hello, <strong>JSX</strong>!</p>
You can also insert JavaScript expressions using curly braces (the following code assumes, of course, that there's a getName()
const html = <div title={"Hello, " + getName() + "!"}>
<p id="greet">Hello, <strong>{getName()}</strong>!</p>
One of the features of JSX is that you can define your own tags called components. Components can be defined as ordinary JavaScript functions. For example, the following code defines and uses a <Container>
component (component names typically follow PascalCase style):
import type { Child, FC } from "hono/jsx";
function getName() {
return "JSX";
interface ContainerProps {
name: string;
children: Child;
const Container: FC<ContainerProps> = (props) => {
return <div title={"Hello, " + + "!"}>{props.children}</div>;
const html = <Container name={getName()}>
<p id="greet">Hello, <strong>{getName()}</strong>!</p>
In the above code, FC
is provided by Hono, the web framework we'll use, and it helps define the type of the component. FC
is a generic type, and the types that go inside the angle brackets after FC
are type arguments. Here, we specify the props type as the type argument. Props refer to the parameters passed to the component. In the above code, we declared and used the ContainerProps
interface as the props type for the <Container>
Type arguments for generic types can be multiple, separated by commas. For example, Foo<A, B>
applies type arguments A
and B
to the generic type Foo
There are also generic functions, which are written as someFunction<A, B>(foo, bar)
When there's only one type argument, the angle brackets enclosing the type argument may look like XML/HTML tags, but they have nothing to do with JSX functionality.
- Applies the type argument
to the generic typeFC
. <Container>
- Opens a component tag named
. Must be closed with</Container>
Among the things passed as props, children
is worth noting specifically. This is because the child elements of the component are passed as the children
prop. As a result, in the above code, the html
variable is assigned the HTML tree <div title="Hello, JSX!"><p id="greet">Hello, <strong>JSX</strong>!</p></div>
JSX was invented in the React project and started to be widely used. If you want to know more about JSX, read the Writing Markup with JSX and JavaScript in JSX with Curly Braces sections of the React documentation.
Account creation page
The first thing we'll create is the account creation page. We need to create an account before we can post or follow other accounts. Let's start by building the visible part.
First, let's create a file named src/views.tsx. Inside this file, we'll define a <Layout>
component using JSX:
import type { FC } from "hono/jsx";
export const Layout: FC = (props) => (
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark" />
<main class="container">{props.children}</main>
To avoid spending too much time on design, we'll use a CSS framework called Pico CSS.
When the type of a variable or parameter can be inferred by TypeScript's type checker, like props
above, it's fine to omit the type annotation. Even when the type annotation is omitted in such cases, you can check the type of a variable by hovering your mouse cursor over the variable name in Visual Studio Code.
Next, in the same file, let's define a <SetupForm>
component that will go inside the layout:
export const SetupForm: FC = () => (
<h1>Set up your microblog</h1>
<form method="post" action="/setup">
Username{" "}
<input type="submit" value="Setup" />
In JSX, you can only have one top-level element, but the <SetupForm>
component has two top-level elements: <h1>
and <form>
. That's why we've wrapped them with <>
and </>
. This is called a fragment.
Now it's time to use the components we've defined. Open the src/app.tsx file and import
the two components we just defined:
import { Layout, SetupForm } from "./views.tsx";
Then, display the account creation form we just made on the /setup page:
app.get("/setup", (c) =>
<SetupForm />
Now, let's open the http://localhost:8000/setup page in a web browser. If you see a screen like this, it's working correctly:
To use JSX, the source file extension must be .jsx or .tsx. Note that both files we edited in this section have the .tsx extension.
Database setup
Now that we've implemented the visible part, it's time to implement the functionality. We need a place to store account information, so let's use SQLite. SQLite is a relational database suitable for small-scale applications.
First, let's declare a table to hold account information. From now on, we'll write all table declarations in the src/schema.sql file. We'll store account information in the users
username TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE CHECK (trim(lower(username)) = username
AND username <> ''
AND length(username) <= 50)
Since the microblog we're creating can only have one account, we've put a constraint on the id
column, which is the primary key, to not allow values other than 1
. This ensures that the users
table can't contain more than one record. We've also put constraints on the username
column to not allow empty strings or strings that are too long.
Now we need to run the src/schema.sql file to create the users table. For this, we need the sqlite3
command, which you can get from the SQLite website or install from your platform's package manager. For macOS, you don't need to get it separately as it is built into the system. If you get it directly, you can get the sqlite-tools-*.zip file for your OS and unzip it. If you use a package manager, you can also install it with the following command:
sudo apt install sqlite3
sudo dnf install sqlite
choco install sqlite
scoop install sqlite
winget install SQLite.SQLite
Okay, now that we have the sqlite3
command, let's use it to create a database file:
sqlite3 microblog.sqlite3 < src/schema.sql
The above command will create a microblog.sqlite3 file, which will store your SQLite data.
Connecting to the database in the app
Now we need to use the SQLite database in our app. To use SQLite database in Node.js, we need a SQLite driver library, and we'll use the better-sqlite3 package. You can easily install the package with the npm
npm add better-sqlite3
npm add --save-dev @types/better-sqlite3
The @types/better-sqlite3 package contains type information about the better-sqlite3 package's API for TypeScript. You need to install this package to enable auto-completion and type checking when editing in Visual Studio Code.
Packages like this in the @types/ scope are called Definitely Typed packages. When a library is not written in TypeScript, the community adds type information and makes it into a package.
Now that we've installed the package, let's write code to connect to the database using this package. Create a new file named src/db.ts and code it as follows:
import Database from "better-sqlite3";
const db = new Database("microblog.sqlite3");
db.pragma("journal_mode = WAL");
db.pragma("foreign_keys = ON");
export default db;
The settings made through the db.pragma()
function have the following effects:
journal_mode = WAL
- Adopts Write-Ahead Logging mode as a way to implement atomic commits and rollbacks in SQLite. This mode is generally more performant than the default rollback journal mode.
foreign_keys = ON
- By default, SQLite does not check foreign key constraints. Turning on this setting makes it check foreign key constraints, which helps maintain data integrity.
Now let's declare a type in JavaScript to represent the record stored in the users
table. Create a src/schema.ts file and define the User
type as follows:
export interface User {
id: number;
username: string;
Record insertion
Now that we've connected to the database, it's time to write code to insert records.
Open the src/app.tsx file and import
the db
object and User
type that will be used for record insertion:
import db from "./db.ts";
import type { User } from "./schema.ts";
Implement the POST /setup
handler:"/setup", async (c) => {
// Check if an account already exists
const user = db.prepare<unknown[], User>("SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 1").get();
if (user != null) return c.redirect("/");
const form = await c.req.formData();
const username = form.get("username");
if (typeof username !== "string" || !username.match(/^[a-z0-9_-]{1,50}$/)) {
return c.redirect("/setup");
db.prepare("INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES (?)").run(username);
return c.redirect("/");
Add code to check if an account already exists to the GET /setup
handler we created earlier:
app.get("/setup", (c) => {
// Check if an account already exists
const user = db.prepare<unknown[], User>("SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 1").get();
if (user != null) return c.redirect("/");
return c.html(
<SetupForm />
Now that we've roughly implemented the account creation feature, let's try it out. Open the http://localhost:8000/setup page in a web browser and create an account. In this tutorial, we'll assume that we used johndoe as the username. If it's created, let's also check if the record was properly inserted into the SQLite database:
echo "SELECT * FROM users;" | sqlite3 -table microblog.sqlite3
If the record was properly inserted, you should see output like this (of course, johndoe
will be whatever username you entered):
id | username |
1 | johndoe |
Profile page
Now that we've created an account, let's implement a profile page to display the account information. Although we don't have much information to show yet.
Let's start with the visible part again. Open the src/views.tsx file and define a <Profile>
export interface ProfileProps {
name: string;
handle: string;
export const Profile: FC<ProfileProps> = ({ name, handle }) => (
<p style="user-select: all;">{handle}</p>
Then, open the src/app.tsx file and import
the component we just defined:
import { Layout, Profile, SetupForm } from "./views.tsx";
And add a GET /users/{username}
request handler that displays the <Profile>
app.get("/users/:username", async (c) => {
const user = db
.prepare<unknown[], User>("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?")
if (user == null) return c.notFound();
const url = new URL(c.req.url);
const handle = `@${user.username}@${}`;
return c.html(
<Profile name={user.username} handle={handle} />
Now let's test if it displays correctly. Open the http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe page in your web browser (if you created an account with a username other than johndoe
, change the URL accordingly). You should see a screen like this:
A fediverse handle, or simply handle, is a unique address that identifies an account in the fediverse. For example, it looks like
. It's similar to an email address, and its structure is also similar to an email address. It starts with @
, followed by a name, then another @
, and finally the domain name of the server the account belongs to. Sometimes the initial @
is omitted.
Technically, handles are implemented using two standards: WebFinger and the acct:
URI scheme. Thanks to Fedify implementing these, you don't need to know the implementation details while following this tutorial.
Implementing the actor
As the name suggests, ActivityPub is a protocol for exchanging activities. Writing a post, editing a post, deleting a post, liking a post, commenting, editing a profile… All actions that happen in social media are expressed as activities.
And all activities are transmitted from actor to actor. For example, when John Doe writes a post, a writing
) activity is sent from Joh Doe to John Doe's followers. If Jane Doe likes that post, a liking
) activity is sent from Jane Doe to John Doe.
Therefore, the first step in implementing ActivityPub is to implement the actor.
The demo app generated by the fedify init
command already has a very simple actor implemented, but to communicate with actual software like Mastodon or Misskey, we need to implement the actor more properly.
First, let's take a look at the current implementation. Open the src/federation.ts file:
import { Person, createFederation } from "@fedify/fedify";
import { InProcessMessageQueue, MemoryKvStore } from "@fedify/fedify";
import { getLogger } from "@logtape/logtape";
const logger = getLogger("microblog");
const federation = createFederation({
kv: new MemoryKvStore(),
queue: new InProcessMessageQueue(),
federation.setActorDispatcher("/users/{identifier}", async (ctx, identifier) => {
return new Person({
id: ctx.getActorUri(identifier),
preferredUsername: identifier,
name: identifier,
export default federation;
The part we should focus on is the setActorDispatcher()
method. This method defines the URL and behavior that other ActivityPub software will use when querying an actor on our server. For example, if we query /users/johndoe as we did earlier, the identifier
parameter of the callback function will receive the string value "johndoe"
. And the callback function returns an instance of the Person
class to convey the information of the queried actor.
The ctx
parameter receives a Context
object, which contains various functions related to the ActivityPub protocol. For example, the getActorUri()
method used in the above code returns the unique URI of the actor with the identifier
passed as a parameter. This URI is being used as the unique identifier of the Person
As you can see from the implementation code, currently it's making up actor information and returning it for any identifier that comes after the /users/ path. But what we want is to only allow queries for accounts that are actually registered. Let's modify this part to only return for accounts in the database.
Table creation
We need to create an actors
table. Unlike the users
table which only contains accounts on the current instance server, this table will also include remote actors belonging to federated servers. The table looks like this. Add the following SQL to the src/schema.sql file:
user_id INTEGER REFERENCES users (id),
handle TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE CHECK (handle <> ''),
name TEXT,
inbox_url TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE CHECK (inbox_url LIKE 'https://%'
OR inbox_url LIKE 'http://%'),
shared_inbox_url TEXT CHECK (shared_inbox_url
LIKE 'https://%'
OR shared_inbox_url
LIKE 'http://%'),
url TEXT CHECK (url LIKE 'https://%'
OR url LIKE 'http://%'),
CHECK (created <> '')
column is a foreign key to connect with theusers
column. If the record represents a remote actor, it will beNULL
, but if it's an account on the current instance server, it will contain
value of that account.The
column contains the unique URI of the actor, also called the actor ID. All ActivityPub objects, including actors, have a unique ID in URI form. Therefore, it cannot be empty and cannot be duplicated.The
column contains the fediverse handle in the form
. Likewise, it cannot be empty and cannot be duplicated.The
column contains the name displayed in the UI. It usually contains a full name or nickname. However, according to the ActivityPub specification, this column can be empty.The
column contains the URL of the actor's inbox. We'll explain in detail what an inbox is below, but for now, just know that it must exist for the actor. This column also cannot be empty or duplicated.The
column contains the URL of the actor's shared inbox, which we'll also explain below. It's not mandatory, so it can be empty, and as the column name suggests, it can share the same shared inbox URL with other actors.The
column contains the profile URL of the actor. A profile URL means the URL of the profile page that can be opened in a web browser. Sometimes the actor's ID and profile URL are the same, but they can be different depending on the service, so in that case, the profile URL is stored in this column. It can be empty.The
column records when the record was created. It cannot be empty, and by default, the insertion time is recorded.
Now, let's apply the src/schema.sql file to the microblog.sqlite3 database file:
sqlite3 microblog.sqlite3 < src/schema.sql
And let's define a type in src/schema.ts to represent records stored in the actors
table in JavaScript:
export interface Actor {
id: number;
user_id: number | null;
uri: string;
handle: string;
name: string | null;
inbox_url: string;
shared_inbox_url: string | null;
url: string | null;
created: string;
Actor record
Although we currently have one record in the users
table, there's no corresponding record in the actors
table. This is because we didn't add a record to the actors
table when creating the account. We need to modify the account creation code to add records to both users
and actors
First, let's modify the SetupForm
in src/views.tsx to also input a name that will go into the
column along with the username:
export const SetupForm: FC = () => (
<h1>Set up your microblog</h1>
<form method="post" action="/setup">
Username{" "}
Name <input type="text" name="name" required />
<input type="submit" value="Setup" />
Now import
the Actor
type we defined earlier in src/app.tsx:
import type { Actor, User } from "./schema.ts";
Now let's add code to the POST /setup
handler to create a record in the actors
table with the input name and other necessary information:"/setup", async (c) => {
// Check if an account already exists
const user = db
.prepare<unknown[], User>(
JOIN actors ON ( = actors.user_id)
if (user != null) return c.redirect("/");
const form = await c.req.formData();
const username = form.get("username");
if (typeof username !== "string" || !username.match(/^[a-z0-9_-]{1,50}$/)) {
return c.redirect("/setup");
const name = form.get("name");
if (typeof name !== "string" || name.trim() === "") {
return c.redirect("/setup");
const url = new URL(c.req.url);
const handle = `@${username}@${}`;
const ctx = fedi.createContext(c.req.raw, undefined);
db.transaction(() => {
db.prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO users (id, username) VALUES (1, ?)").run(
(user_id, uri, handle, name, inbox_url, shared_inbox_url, url)
VALUES (1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
return c.redirect("/");
When checking if an account already exists, we modified it to determine that there's no account yet not only when there's no record in the users
table, but also when there's no matching record in the actors
table. Apply the same condition to the GET /setup
handler and the GET /users/{username}
app.get("/setup", (c) => {
// Check if the user already exists
const user = db
.prepare<unknown[], User>(
JOIN actors ON ( = actors.user_id)
if (user != null) return c.redirect("/");
return c.html(
<SetupForm />
app.get("/users/:username", async (c) => {
const user = db
.prepare<unknown[], User & Actor>(
JOIN actors ON ( = actors.user_id)
WHERE username = ?
if (user == null) return c.notFound();
const url = new URL(c.req.url);
const handle = `@${user.username}@${}`;
return c.html(
<Profile name={ ?? user.username} handle={handle} />
In TypeScript, A & B
means an object that is both type A
and type B
. For example, given the type { a: number } & { b: string }
, { a: 123 }
or { b: "foo" }
do not satisfy this type, but { a: 123, b: "foo" }
does satisfy this type.
Finally, open the src/federation.ts file and add the following code below the actor dispatcher:
federation.setInboxListeners("/users/{identifier}/inbox", "/inbox");
Don't worry about the setInboxListeners()
method for now. We'll cover this when we explain about the inbox. Just note that the getInboxUri()
method used in the account creation code needs the above code to work properly.
If you've modified all the code, open the http://localhost:8000/setup page in your browser and create an account again:
Actor dispatcher
Now that we've created the actors
table and filled in a record, let's modify src/federation.ts again. First, import
the db
object, and Endpoints
and Actor
import { Endpoints, Person, createFederation } from "@fedify/fedify";
import db from "./db.ts";
import type { Actor, User } from "./schema.ts";
Now that we've import
ed what we need, let's modify the setActorDispatcher()
federation.setActorDispatcher("/users/{identifier}", async (ctx, identifier) => {
const user = db
.prepare<unknown[], User & Actor>(
JOIN actors ON ( = actors.user_id)
WHERE users.username = ?
if (user == null) return null;
return new Person({
id: ctx.getActorUri(identifier),
preferredUsername: identifier,
inbox: ctx.getInboxUri(identifier),
endpoints: new Endpoints({
sharedInbox: ctx.getInboxUri(),
url: ctx.getActorUri(identifier),
In the changed code, we now query the users
table in the database and return null
if it's not an account on the current server. In other words, it will respond with a proper Person
object with 200 OK
for a GET /users/johndoe
request (assuming the account was created with the username johndoe
), and respond with 404 Not Found
for other requests.
Let's look at how the part creating the Person
object has changed. First, a name
property has been added. This property uses the value from the
column. We'll cover the inbox
and endpoints
properties when we explain about the inbox. The url
property contains the profile URL of this account, and in this tutorial, we'll make the actor ID and the actor's profile URL match.
Sharp-eyed readers may have noticed that we're defining overlapping handlers for GET /users/{identifier}
on both Hono and Fedify sides. So what happens when an actual request is sent to this path? The answer is that it depends on the Accept
header of the request. If a request is sent with the Accept: text/html
header, the request handler on the Hono side responds. If a request is sent with the Accept: application/activity+json
header, the request handler on the Fedify side responds.
This way of giving different responses according to the Accept
header of the request is called HTTP content negotiation, and Fedify itself implements content negotiation. More specifically, all requests go through Fedify once, and if it's not an ActivityPub-related request, it's passed on to the integrated framework, which in this tutorial is Hono.
In Fedify, all URIs and URLs are represented as URL
Now, let's test if the actor dispatcher is working well.
With the server running, open a new terminal tab and enter the following command:
fedify lookup http://localhost:8000/users/alice
Since there's no account named alice
, you'll get an error like this, unlike before:
✔ Looking up the object...
Failed to fetch the object.
It may be a private object. Try with -a/--authorized-fetch.
Now let's look up the johndoe
fedify lookup http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe
Now you get a good result:
✔ Looking up the object...
Person {
id: URL "http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe",
name: "John Doe",
url: URL "http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe",
preferredUsername: "johndoe",
inbox: URL "http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe/inbox",
endpoints: Endpoints { sharedInbox: URL "http://localhost:8000/inbox" }
Cryptographic key pairs
The next thing we'll implement is the actor's cryptographic keys for signing. In ActivityPub, when an actor creates and sends an activity, it uses a digital signature to prove that the activity was really created by that actor. For this, each actor creates and holds their own matching private key (secret key) and public key pair, and makes the public key visible to other actors. When actors receive an activity, they compare the sender's public key with the activity's signature to verify that the activity was indeed created by the sender. Fedify handles the signing and signature verification automatically, but you need to implement the generation and preservation of the key pairs yourself.
As the name suggests, the private key (secret key) should not be accessible to anyone other than the signing subject. On the other hand, the public key's purpose is to be public, so it's fine for anyone to access it.
Table creation
Let's define a keys
table in src/schema.sql to store the private and public key pairs:
type TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (type IN ('RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5', 'Ed25519')),
private_key TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (private_key <> ''),
public_key TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (public_key <> ''),
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, type)
If you look closely at the table, you can see that the type
column only allows two types of values. One is the RSA-PKCS#1-v1.5 type and the other is the Ed25519 type. (What each of these means is not important for this tutorial.) Since the primary key is on (user_id, type)
, there can be a maximum of two key pairs for one user.
We can't go into detail in this tutorial, but as of November 2024, the ActivityPub network is in the process of transitioning from the RSA-PKCS#1-v1.5 type to the Ed25519 type. Some software only accepts the RSA-PKCS#1-v1.5 type, while some software accepts the Ed25519 type. Therefore, to communicate with both sides, both pairs of keys are needed.
The private_key
and public_key
columns can receive strings, and we'll put JSON data in them. We'll cover how to encode private and public keys as JSON later.
Now let's create the keys
sqlite3 microblog.sqlite3 < src/schema.sql
Let's also define a Key
type in the src/schema.ts file to represent records stored in the keys
table in JavaScript:
export interface Key {
user_id: number;
type: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5" | "Ed25519";
private_key: string;
public_key: string;
created: string;
Key pairs dispatcher
Now we need to write code to generate and load key pairs.
Open the src/federation.ts file and import
the exportJwk()
, generateCryptoKeyPair()
, importJwk()
functions provided by Fedify and the Key
type we defined earlier:
import {
} from "@fedify/fedify";
import type { Actor, Key, User } from "./schema.ts";
Now let's modify the actor dispatcher part as follows:
.setActorDispatcher("/users/{identifier}", async (ctx, identifier) => {
const user = db
.prepare<unknown[], User & Actor>(
JOIN actors ON ( = actors.user_id)
WHERE users.username = ?
if (user == null) return null;
const keys = await ctx.getActorKeyPairs(identifier);
return new Person({
id: ctx.getActorUri(identifier),
preferredUsername: identifier,
inbox: ctx.getInboxUri(identifier),
endpoints: new Endpoints({
sharedInbox: ctx.getInboxUri(),
url: ctx.getActorUri(identifier),
publicKey: keys[0].cryptographicKey,
assertionMethods: => k.multikey),
.setKeyPairsDispatcher(async (ctx, identifier) => {
const user = db
.prepare<unknown[], User>("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?")
if (user == null) return [];
const rows = db
.prepare<unknown[], Key>("SELECT * FROM keys WHERE keys.user_id = ?")
const keys = Object.fromEntries( => [row.type, row]),
) as Record<Key["type"], Key>;
const pairs: CryptoKeyPair[] = [];
// For each of the two key formats (RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 and Ed25519) that
// the actor supports, check if they have a key pair, and if not,
// generate one and store it in the database:
for (const keyType of ["RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", "Ed25519"] as const) {
if (keys[keyType] == null) {
"The user {identifier} does not have an {keyType} key; creating one...",
{ identifier, keyType },
const { privateKey, publicKey } = await generateCryptoKeyPair(keyType);
INSERT INTO keys (user_id, type, private_key, public_key)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
JSON.stringify(await exportJwk(privateKey)),
JSON.stringify(await exportJwk(publicKey)),
pairs.push({ privateKey, publicKey });
} else {
privateKey: await importJwk(
publicKey: await importJwk(
return pairs;
First of all, we should pay attention to the setKeyPairsDispatcher()
method called in succession after the setActorDispatcher()
method. This method connects the key pairs returned by the callback function to the account. By connecting the key pairs in this way, Fedify automatically adds digital signatures with the registered private keys when sending activities.
The generateCryptoKeyPair()
function generates a new private key and public key pair and returns it as a CryptoKeyPair
object. For your reference, the CryptoKeyPair
type has the type { privateKey: CryptoKey; publicKey: CryptoKey; }
The exportJwk()
function returns an object representing the CryptoKey
object in JWK format. You don't need to know what the JWK format is. Just understand that it's a standard format for representing cryptographic keys in JSON. CryptoKey
is a web standard type for representing cryptographic keys as JavaScript objects.
The importJwk()
function converts a key represented in JWK format to a CryptoKey
object. You can understand it as the opposite of the exportJwk()
Now, let's turn our attention back to the setActorDispatcher()
method. We're using a method called getActorKeyPairs()
, which, as the name suggests, returns the key pairs of the actor. The actor's key pairs are those very key pairs we just loaded with the setKeyPairsDispatcher()
method. We loaded two pairs of keys in RSA-PKCS#1-v1.5 and Ed25519 formats, so the getActorKeyPairs()
method returns an array of two key pairs. Each element of the array is an object representing the key pair in various formats, which looks like this:
interface ActorKeyPair {
privateKey: CryptoKey; // Private key
publicKey: CryptoKey; // Public key
keyId: URL; // Unique identification URI of the key
cryptographicKey: CryptographicKey; // Another format of the public key
multikey: Multikey; // Yet another format of the public key
It's complex to explain here how CryptoKey
, CryptographicKey
, and Multikey
differ, and why there need to be so many formats. For now, let's just note that when initializing the Person
object, the publicKey
property accepts the CryptographicKey
type and the assertionMethods
property accepts the MultiKey[]
(TypeScript notation for an array of Multikey
) type.
By the way, why are there two properties in the Person
object that hold public keys, publicKey
and assertionMethods
? Originally in ActivityPub, there was only the publicKey
property, but later the assertionMethods
property was added to allow registration of multiple keys. Similar to how we generated both RSA-PKCS#1-v1.5 and Ed25519 keys earlier, we're setting both properties for compatibility with various software. If you look closely, you can see that we're only registering the RSA-PKCS#1-v1.5 key to the legacy publicKey
property (the first item in the array is the RSA-PKCS#1-v1.5 key pair, and the second item is the Ed25519 key pair).
Actually, the publicKey
property can contain multiple keys too. However, many software are already implemented under the assumption that the publicKey
property will only contain one key, so they often malfunction. The assertionMethods
property was proposed to avoid this.
For those interested in this, refer to the FEP-521a document.
Now that we've registered the cryptographic keys to the actor object, let's check if it's working well. Query the actor with the following command:
fedify lookup http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe
If it's working correctly, you should see output like this:
✔ Looking up the object...
Person {
id: URL "http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe",
name: "John Doe",
url: URL "http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe",
preferredUsername: "johndoe",
publicKey: CryptographicKey {
id: URL "http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe#main-key",
owner: URL "http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe",
publicKey: CryptoKey {
type: "public",
extractable: true,
algorithm: {
name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5",
modulusLength: 4096,
publicExponent: Uint8Array(3) [ 1, 0, 1 ],
hash: { name: "SHA-256" }
usages: [ "verify" ]
assertionMethods: [
Multikey {
id: URL "http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe#main-key",
controller: URL "http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe",
publicKey: CryptoKey {
type: "public",
extractable: true,
algorithm: {
name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5",
modulusLength: 4096,
publicExponent: Uint8Array(3) [ 1, 0, 1 ],
hash: { name: "SHA-256" }
usages: [ "verify" ]
Multikey {
id: URL "http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe#key-2",
controller: URL "http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe",
publicKey: CryptoKey {
type: "public",
extractable: true,
algorithm: { name: "Ed25519" },
usages: [ "verify" ]
inbox: URL "http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe/inbox",
endpoints: Endpoints { sharedInbox: URL "http://localhost:8000/inbox" }
You can see that the Person
object's publicKey
property contains one CryptographicKey
object in RSA-PKCS#1-v1.5 type, and the assertionMethods
property contains two Multikey
objects in RSA-PKCS#1-v1.5 and Ed25519 formats.
Interoperating with Mastodon
Now let's check if we can actually view the actor we've created in Mastodon.
Exposing to the public internet
Unfortunately, the current server is only accessible locally. However, it would be inconvenient to deploy somewhere every time we modify the code for testing. Wouldn't it be great if we could expose our local server to the internet without deployment for immediate testing?
Here's where the fedify tunnel
command comes in handy. In a terminal, open a new tab and enter this command followed by the port number of your local server:
fedify tunnel 8000
This creates a disposable domain name and relays to your local server. It will output a URL that's accessible from the outside:
✔ Your local server at 8000 is now publicly accessible:
Press ^C to close the tunnel.
Of course, you'll see your own unique URL different from the one above. You can check if it's connecting well by opening in your web browser (replace with your unique temporary domain):
Copy your fediverse handle shown on the above web page, then go into Mastodon and paste it into the search box in the upper left corner:
If the actor we created appears in the search results as shown above, it's working correctly. You can also click on the actor's name in the search results to go to their profile page:
But this is as far as we can go. Don't try to follow yet! For our actor to be followable from other servers, we need to implement an inbox.
The fedify tunnel
command automatically disconnects after a while if not used. When this happens, you need to press Ctrl+C to stop it, then run the fedify tunnel 8000
command again to establish a new connection.
In ActivityPub, an inbox is an endpoint where an actor receives incoming activities from other actors. All actors have their own inbox, which is a URL that can receive activities via HTTP POST
requests. When another actor sends a follow request, writes a post, comments, or performs any other interaction, the corresponding activity is delivered to the recipient's inbox. The server processes the activities that come into the inbox and responds appropriately, allowing it to communicate and function as part of the federated network.
For now, we'll start by implementing the reception of follow requests.
Table creation
We need to create a follows
table to hold the actors who follow you (followers) and the actors you follow (following). Add the following SQL to the src/schema.sql file:
following_id INTEGER REFERENCES actors (id),
follower_id INTEGER REFERENCES actors (id),
CHECK (created <> ''),
PRIMARY KEY (following_id, follower_id)
Let's create the follows
table by executing src/schema.sql once again:
sqlite3 microblog.sqlite3 < src/schema.sql
Open the src/schema.ts file and define a type to represent records stored in the follows
table in JavaScript:
export interface Follow {
following_id: number;
follower_id: number;
created: string;
Receiving Follow
Now it's time to implement the inbox. Actually, we've already written the following code in the src/federation.ts file earlier:
federation.setInboxListeners("/users/{identifier}/inbox", "/inbox");
Before modifying this code, let's import
the Accept
and Follow
classes and the getActorHandle()
function provided by Fedify:
import {
} from "@fedify/fedify";
Now let's modify the code calling the setInboxListeners()
method as follows:
.setInboxListeners("/users/{identifier}/inbox", "/inbox")
.on(Follow, async (ctx, follow) => {
if (follow.objectId == null) {
logger.debug("The Follow object does not have an object: {follow}", {
const object = ctx.parseUri(follow.objectId);
if (object == null || object.type !== "actor") {
logger.debug("The Follow object's object is not an actor: {follow}", {
const follower = await follow.getActor();
if (follower?.id == null || follower.inboxId == null) {
logger.debug("The Follow object does not have an actor: {follow}", {
const followingId = db
.prepare<unknown[], Actor>(
SELECT * FROM actors
JOIN users ON = actors.user_id
WHERE users.username = ?
if (followingId == null) {
"Failed to find the actor to follow in the database: {object}",
{ object },
const followerId = db
.prepare<unknown[], Actor>(
-- Add a new follower actor record or update if it already exists
INSERT INTO actors (uri, handle, name, inbox_url, shared_inbox_url, url)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
handle = excluded.handle,
name =,
inbox_url = excluded.inbox_url,
shared_inbox_url = excluded.shared_inbox_url,
url = excluded.url
actors.uri = excluded.uri
await getActorHandle(follower),,
"INSERT INTO follows (following_id, follower_id) VALUES (?, ?)",
).run(followingId, followerId);
const accept = new Accept({
actor: follow.objectId,
to: follow.actorId,
object: follow,
await ctx.sendActivity(object, follower, accept);
Let's examine the code carefully. The on()
method defines the action to take when a specific type of activity is received. Here, we've written code to record the follower information in the database when a Follow
activity is received, and then send an Accept(Follow)
activity back to the actor who sent the follow request.
The follow.objectId
should contain the URI of the actor being followed. We use the parseUri()
method to check if the URI inside it points to the actor we created.
The getActorHandle()
function returns the fediverse handle as a string from the given actor object.
If there's no information about the actor who sent the follow request in the actors
table yet, we first add a record. If a record already exists, we update it with the latest data. Then, we add the follower to the follows
Once the record is completed in the database, we use the sendActivity()
method to send an Accept(Follow)
activity as a reply to the actor who sent the activity. It takes the sender as the first parameter, the recipient as the second parameter, and the activity object to send as the third parameter.
Now it's time to check if follow requests are being received properly.
While it would be fine to test from a regular Mastodon server, let's use the ActivityPub.Academy server, which allows us to see exactly how activities are exchanged. ActivityPub.Academy is a special Mastodon server for education and debugging purposes, where you can easily create temporary accounts with just one click.
After agreeing to the privacy policy, click the Sign Up button to create a new account. The created account will have a randomly generated name and handle, and will disappear on its own after a day. Instead, you can create new accounts as many times as you want.
Once you're logged in, paste the handle of the actor we created into the search box in the top left corner of the screen:
If our actor appears in the search results, click the follow button on the right to send a follow request. Then click on Activity Log in the right menu:
You'll see an indication that a Follow
activity was sent from the ActivityPub.Academy server to the inbox of the actor we created by clicking the follow button just now. You can see the contents of the activity by clicking show source in the bottom right:
Now that we've confirmed that the activity was sent well, it's time to check if our inbox code is working properly. First, let's see if a record was created properly in the follows
echo "SELECT * FROM follows;" | sqlite3 -table microblog.sqlite3
If the follow request was processed successfully, you should see a result like this (of course, the time will be different):
following_id | follower_id | created |
1 | 2 | 2024-09-01 10:19:41 |
Let's also check if a new record was created in the actors
echo "SELECT * FROM actors WHERE id > 1;" | sqlite3 -table microblog.sqlite3
id | user_id | uri | handle | name | inbox_url | shared_inbox_url | url | created |
2 | | | Dobussia Dovornath | | | | 2024-09-01 10:19:41 |
Now, let's look at ActivityPub.Academy's Activity Log again. If the Accept(Follow)
activity sent by our actor arrived well, it should be displayed as follows:
This way, you've implemented your first interaction via ActivityPub!
What happens if an actor from another server unfollows our actor after following it? Let's test this in ActivityPub.Academy. As before, enter our actor's fediverse handle in the ActivityPub.Academy search box:
If you look closely, you'll see an unfollow button in place of the follow button to the right of the actor name. Click this button to unfollow, then go to the Activity Log to see what activity is sent:
As you can see, an Undo(Follow)
activity has been sent. If you click show source in the bottom right, you can see the detailed contents of the activity:
"@context": "",
"id": "",
"type": "Undo",
"actor": "",
"object": {
"id": "",
"type": "Follow",
"actor": "",
"object": ""
Looking at this JSON object, you can see that the Undo(Follow)
activity includes the Follow
activity that was received by our inbox earlier. However, since we haven't defined any behavior for when the inbox receives an Undo(Follow)
activity, nothing has happened.
Receiving Undo(Follow)
To implement unfollow, open the src/federation.ts file and import
the Undo
class provided by Fedify:
import {
} from "@fedify/fedify";
Then add on(Undo, ...)
in succession after on(Follow, ...)
.setInboxListeners("/users/{identifier}/inbox", "/inbox")
.on(Follow, async (ctx, follow) => {
// ... omitted ...
.on(Undo, async (ctx, undo) => {
const object = await undo.getObject();
if (!(object instanceof Follow)) return;
if (undo.actorId == null || object.objectId == null) return;
const parsed = ctx.parseUri(object.objectId);
if (parsed == null || parsed.type !== "actor") return;
WHERE following_id = (
FROM actors
JOIN users ON actors.user_id =
WHERE users.username = ?
) AND follower_id = (SELECT id FROM actors WHERE uri = ?)
).run(parsed.identifier, undo.actorId.href);
This time, the code is shorter than when processing follow requests. It checks if the thing inside the Undo(Follow)
activity is a Follow
activity, uses the parseUri()
method to check if the follow target of the Follow
activity to be canceled is our actor, and then deletes the corresponding record from the follows
We can't unfollow once more since we already clicked the unfollow button in ActivityPub.Academy earlier. We'll have to follow again and then unfollow to test. But before that, we need to empty the follows
table. Otherwise, there will be an error when the follow request comes in because the record already exists.
Let's empty the follows
table using the sqlite3
echo "DELETE FROM follows;" | sqlite3 microblog.sqlite3
Now press the follow button again, then check the database:
echo "SELECT * FROM follows;" | sqlite3 -table microblog.sqlite3
If the follow request was processed successfully, you should see a result like this:
following_id | follower_id | created |
1 | 2 | 2024-09-02 01:05:17 |
Now press the unfollow button again, then check the database one more time:
echo "SELECT count(*) FROM follows;" | sqlite3 -table microblog.sqlite3
If the unfollow request was processed successfully, the record should have disappeared, so you should see a result like this:
count(*) |
0 |
Followers list
It's cumbersome to view the followers list using the sqlite3
command every time, so let's make it possible to view the followers list on the web.
Let's start by adding a new component to the src/views.tsx file. First, import
the Actor
import type { Actor } from "./schema.ts";
Then define the <FollowerList>
component and the <ActorLink>
export interface FollowerListProps {
followers: Actor[];
export const FollowerList: FC<FollowerListProps> = ({ followers }) => (
{ => (
<li key={}>
<ActorLink actor={follower} />
export interface ActorLinkProps {
actor: Actor;
export const ActorLink: FC<ActorLinkProps> = ({ actor }) => {
const href = actor.url ?? actor.uri;
return == null ? (
<a href={href} class="secondary">
) : (
<a href={href}>{}</a>{" "}
<a href={href} class="secondary">
The <ActorLink>
component is used to represent a single actor, and the <FollowerList>
component uses the <ActorLink>
component to represent the list of followers. As you can see, since JSX doesn't have conditional statements or loops, we're using the ternary operator and the
Now let's create an endpoint to display the followers list. Open the src/app.tsx file and import
the <FollowerList>
import { FollowerList, Layout, Profile, SetupForm } from "./views.tsx";
Then add a request handler for GET /users/{username}/followers
app.get("/users/:username/followers", async (c) => {
const followers = db
.prepare<unknown[], Actor>(
SELECT followers.*
FROM follows
JOIN actors AS followers ON follows.follower_id =
JOIN actors AS following ON follows.following_id =
JOIN users ON = following.user_id
WHERE users.username = ?
ORDER BY follows.created DESC
return c.html(
<FollowerList followers={followers} />
Now, shall we check if it's displaying correctly? There should be followers, so with fedify tunnel
running, follow our actor from another Mastodon server or ActivityPub.Academy. After the follow request is accepted, open the http://localhost:8000/users/johndoe/followers page in your web browser, and you should see something like this:
Now that we've created the followers list, it would be nice to display the number of followers on the profile page as well. Open the src/views.tsx file again and modify the <Profile>
component as follows:
export interface ProfileProps {
name: string;
username: string;
handle: string;
followers: number;
export const Profile: FC<ProfileProps> = ({
}) => (
<a href={`/users/${username}`}>{name}</a>
<span style="user-select: all;">{handle}</span> ·{" "}
<a href={`/users/${username}/followers`}>
{followers === 1 ? "1 follower" : `${followers} followers`}
Two props have been added to ProfileProps
. followers
is a prop that holds the number of followers, as the name suggests. username
receives the username that will go into the URL to link to the followers list.
Now go back to the src/app.tsx file and modify the GET /users/{username}
request handler as follows: